Monday, September 04, 2006

Dad's notes from Tuesday morning arriving Chicago

mom and Dad made 6:40 am flight from providence to Chicago. They are met by my sisters Eileen and Meghan who have flown in from Austin and by brother Jim who has flown in from D.C. - Jim has arranged for limo transport of this crew from airport to hospital all for a 9am meeting with chief neurologist who will provide an assessment of my condition and prognosis. Significant to note that at some point, tricia and Neil insisted against the wishes of staff at Illinois Masonic that I be transferred to Loyola 's ICU0 - where expectation is that I will receive better care and more informed diagnosis. I later learned the gorey details that Neil, Tricia, and Corey endured a harrowing experience making and executing this decision: between heated exchanges with medical staff at Illinois Masonic and phone calls with the ICU at Loyola regarding transfer and admission, Neil and Tricia were also text messaging with mom,dad and other siblings to keep all informed of and involved in the decisions regarding my prognosis and treatment.And, in the middle of all this chaos, Tricia(knowing mom and dad's concerns about my fragile condition and the risks involved in transporting me to Loyola) requested that I be seen by a Catholic priest before taken by ambulance to loyola's ICU. You can see by virtue of entry in margin of dad's note that dad knew and was I am sure consoled by the news that I received the sacrament of the sick at 6 am before the ambulance rid across Chicago to Loyola


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